Special Fake Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch CK2998 311. UK For Limited Sale

Omega CK2998 was born in 1959 that is the classical model of Omega Speedmaster until now. And now brand-new copy Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch CK2998 311. inspired from the original version came out. The limited watches have launched for 2,998 pieces.

The limited fake watches have launched for 2,998 pieces.
Limited Fake Omega Speedmaster CK2998 311. Watches

At the first sight, you can see the silvery dials with three black chronograph sub-dials which remind people of the panda. The easy-to-read panda dial is one of the special virtue of the watch.

Second, the 39.7 mm replica watches have black ceramic bezels with white enamel pulsations scales.

The silvery dials copy watches have black straps.
Silvery Dials Copy Omega Speedmaster CK2998 311. Watches

Matched with the black ceramic bezels, the elaborate fake Omega watches have perforated black alligator leather straps with white rubber inside, which is the third special virtue. The straps are durable and comfortable.